Manaus - AM

Basic Information

  • Population: 2,063,689 people
  • GDP per capita: R$ 41,345.11
  • Human Development Index (IDHM): 0.737
  • Source: IBGE

Manaus is the capital of the state of Amazonas, in the northern region of the country. Anyone born in Amazonas is an Amazonense (Amazonian). Those born in Manaus are Manauara. The metropolis is a vital economic and cultural hub for the region. Situated on the banks of the Rio Negro, it stands out for its Zona Franca de Manaus (Manaus Free Trade Zone), which boosts the economy with industry and commerce. In addition, the city preserves the rich biodiversity of the Amazon and will host G20 meetings in Brazil in 2024.

In Manaus, you can see the Encounter of the waters of the Negro and Solimões rivers, one of the city's main tourist attractions. Photo: Ana Claudia Jatahy/MTur.


Manaus is a unique city that stands out for its rich history, natural beauty and diverse culture. In addition, its unique architecture is marked by splendor. Teatro Amazonas, with its sumptuous dome and neoclassical details, is a cultural icon of the place.

The capital of Amazonas is the ideal place to experience unique sustainable tourism, immerse yourself in the local culture and witness the incredible power of the world's largest rainforest.

The encounter of the waters of the Negro and Solimões rivers is a unique spectacle, forming the majestic Amazon River. Boat trips along the rivers and streams allow you to interact with the riverside communities and feel the vibrant influences of indigenous cultures.

Manaus' tourist attractions go beyond nature. The Adolpho Lisboa Market, with its iron architecture, is a vibrant place where local culture manifests itself in colors, flavors and aromas. The Seringal Vila Paraíso Museum, which depicts the Rubber Cycle, offers a journey through the region's economic history.

The cuisine reflects the city's cultural diversity. Dishes such as tacacá, tucupi and regional fish prepare the palate for the richness of Amazonian cuisine. The local markets and fairs are true gastronomic festivals where exotic ingredients and authentic flavors awaken the senses.

Manauara's population is a reflection of the rich miscegenation present in the Amazon. With indigenous, African and European influences, the city embraces an ethnic diversity that reveals itself in music, dance and local festivities.

Manaus has an equatorial climate, with high temperatures and high humidity.

This capital is a cultural and natural treasure in the heart of the Amazon, which makes it a fascinating destination on the Brazilian scene.

Main tourist attractions

• Teatro Amazonas (Amazonas Theater)

• Encontro das Águas – Praia da Ponta Negra (Encounter of the waters - Ponta Negra Beach)

• Adolpho Lisboa Municipal Market

• Praça Heliodoro Balbi - Praça da Polícia (Heliodoro Balbi Square - Police Square)

• Museu do Seringal Vila Paraíso (Vila Paraíso rubber plantation museum)

• Palácio da Justiça (Palace of Justice)

• São Sebastião Square

• Science Forest - National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA)

• Manauara Shopping

• Zoológico do Centro de Instrução de Guerra na Selva (Zoo of the Jungle Warfare Instruction Center)



Take boat trips on the region's rivers and observe all its natural wealth and endemic fauna, such as the Boto-cor-de-rosa (pink river dolphin), one of the symbol animals of the Brazilian Amazon.


Enjoy an incredible gastronomic experience in a fusion of indigenous, African and European traditions. With a wide variety of fish from the region's rivers, such as tambaqui, tucunaré and pirarucu, the city offers irresistible dishes. Check out the Adolpho Lisboa Municipal Market, where you can experience the local culture and find unique handicrafts.


It's worth taking a boat trip to see the unforgettable Encounter of the Waters, where the Negro and Solimões rivers meet and form a dazzling landscape of colors in contrast to the forest.


Ponta Negra Beach is an incredible place to watch the sunset in the late afternoon.

The capital has a lively nightlife. Go to Bar do Armando, a well-known bohemian hotspot that is considered an intangible cultural heritage of the state of Amazonas. Another tip is to try the pirarucu pastel with banana.


The Eduardo Gomes International Airport in Manaus is an essential link in the Amazon, facilitating the transport of people and goods, boosting trade, and connecting the region to the world. Its strategic importance stands out in the economic and logistical context, contributing to regional development.


Manaus City Hall

Government of the State of Amazonas

G20 events in Manaus

Click here to see the full calendar
