G20 Social on the Finance Track

Photo: Washington Costa/MF
Photo: Washington Costa/MF

In line with the objective of the G20 Social, which is to expand the participation of non-governmental actors in G20 activities, the Ministry of Finance (MoF), responsible for coordinating the G20 Finance Track, together with the Central Bank, proposes to bring together groups of engagement of the G20 and other global civil society organizations to hold meetings linked to the Finance Track priorities.

Mobilizations in this regard revolve around 5 priority themes: global economy and inequalities, international taxation, just transition, debt and global governance reform. Below are the main results already achieved by G20 Social in the Finance Track.

Unprecedented G20 session promotes civil society meeting with G20 Deputy Ministers of Finance and Central Bank

In an unprecedented session, held on July 22nd in Rio de Janeiro, representatives of 13 engagement groups (GEs) presented to the vice-ministers of Finance and the vice-presidents of the G20 Central Bank their demands and recommendations on the main ones of the Track of Finance, such as inequalities and the global economy, climate crisis and international taxation. The recommendations were aligned with the priorities of the Brazilian presidency, providing the world's largest economies with the opportunity to receive and discuss the agendas of organized global civil society. The recommendations were well received by all member countries. Furthermore, the G20 Social session and the initiative of the Brazilian presidency of the G20 were praised by representatives of the African Union, Australia, Egypt, Turkey, the United States and Germany.

G20 Social meets the Finance Track: sustainable financing and MDB reform are among the demands put forward

July 22, 2024
In an innovative session in Rio de Janeiro, civil society representatives presented the G20 Finance Deputies with recommendations focused on sustainable financing and combating climate change. The agenda also included the Multilateral Development Banks reform and the creation of standards for international taxation.
More infoaboutG20 Social meets the Finance Track: sustainable financing and MDB reform are among the demands put forward

Just Transition

“Finance for just transition” was the current theme in the cycle of meetings between the Finance Track and the G20 Social. The event took place on July 26, 2024 virtually, with the participation of international civil society. The focus of the debates revolved around actions to promote a just transition and the importance of environmental and climate funds in this process. The event was coordinated with the Sustainable Finance Working Group with the participation of international civil society.


Global environmental and climate funds and civil society

Just transition and civil society perspectives

International civil society discusses green funds and just transition with the Finance Track

June 29, 2024
Debates focused on actions to promote a just transition and on the importance of environment and climate funds in this process. Virtual event was coordinated by the Sustainable Finance Working Group with participation of international civil society.
More infoaboutInternational civil society discusses green funds and just transition with the Finance Track

International Taxation

Cooperation in international taxation is one of the priorities of the Finance Track. The Brazilian presidency of the G20 created a workstream in the TF dedicated specifically to the topic. In this sense, the G20 Social on the Finance Track mobilized civil society organizations and G20 engagement groups interested in debating the topic of international taxation. The in-person meeting was held on May 22nd and 23rd, 2024, in the auditorium of the Memorial Darcy Ribeiro, at the University of Brasília (UnB). At the end, the organizations that participated in the event delivered to Minister Fernando Haddad a statement entitled "Civil Society Recommendations on International Taxation for G20 Finance Ministers”.


International Taxation Policy and G20

A wealth taxation agenda as a crosscutting issue of tax and economic justice

The civil society key demands on international taxation

The Brazilian G20 presidency and the on-going international tax agenda

Achieved Results

Global Economy and Inequalities

On March 7, 2024, the G20 Social Finance Track team held the first meeting with global civil society. The meeting entitled “Global Economy and Inequalities” took place virtually and was attended by 26 representatives of global civil society organizations, from different countries.


Civil Society and the G20 under the Brazilian Presidency

Global Economy and Inequalities

G20 and the Fight Against Hunger, Poverty and Inequalities

Achieved Results

International civil society debates inequalities at the G20 Finance Track

March 11, 2024
Non-governmental organizations, engagement groups and civil society presented their points of view and proposals for combating inequality in its different forms. Part of the G20 Social, the meeting debated the global economy agenda proposed by Brasil's Ministry of Finance.
More infoaboutInternational civil society debates inequalities at the G20 Finance Track

See also