World Economic Forum report states that disinformation and extreme weather are the main threats to the world today

World Economic Forum report highlights emerging challenges, placing extreme weather at the center of concerns for 2024. Misinformation is also a critical threat, especially in this unprecedented year in which elections will take place in a number of countries around the world. Effectively responding to these challenges requires coordinated global action

01/12/2024 8:26 AM
Secom Archives/Disclosure

Global risk experts have revealed their greatest concerns in the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2024 released this Wednesday (10). The report points out that the greatest threats to global stability over the next two years are extreme weather and the spread of disinformation.

The climate was identified as the number one threat this year, while false information ranks second. This scenario is even more critical in this unprecedented year in which several major economies—including the US, India and Mexico—will all hold elections. Over the next two years, around 3 billion voters will be mobilized in countries such as Pakistan—larger than Brazil in population—; Indonesia, the fourth most populous country in the world; and the UK.

Disinformation, driven by the widespread use of inaccurate information and tools for its dissemination, is a threat to the legitimacy of newly elected governments.

Disinformation, driven by the widespread use of inaccurate information and tools for its dissemination, is a threat to the legitimacy of newly elected governments. The report highlights concerns regarding the persistence of the cost of living crisis; of information induced by Artificial Intelligence (AI); and of social polarization. Interstate armed conflicts are also among the main threats over the next two years, with impacts that could range from violent protests to civil clashes and terrorism.

From a long-term perspective, environmental risks such as biodiversity loss and critical changes to Earth's systems top the rankings. Two-thirds of the risk experts expect a multipolar or fragmented world order over the next decade.

World Economic Forum president Borge Brende noted that the current geopolitical scenario—marked by events such as the wars in Gaza and Ukraine—is heightening the complexity of the forum's 54th annual meeting, to be held between January 15 and 18 in Davos, Switzerland. The report is based on the opinions of more than 1,400 global risk experts, and was prepared in collaboration with Zurich Insurance and Marsh McLennan.

The report reflects a pessimistic perspective resulting from recent global challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and geopolitical events that have led to the constant breakdown of supply networks. Experts highlight the need for greater international cooperation to face challenges and ensure a resilient and sustainable future.

The Brazilian G20 presidency is focused on strengthening global ties, and on promoting joint efforts to act on critical issues such as the ones highlighted by the WEF report. Working Groups such as the Digital Economy WG—to combat disinformation—and the Global Mobilization Task Force against Climate Change, proposed by Brazil, are examples of G20 forums whose mission is to propose consensus and concrete measures to face the serious issues highlighted by the WEF report.

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