World authorities arrive in Brasil and begin G20 discussions

The G20 Brasil started with the first meeting of the Sherpa Track at the Itamaraty Palace in Brasilia. The country is hosting world delegations throughout the week (11-15 December). The Group's priorities and the need for global commitment were emphasized at the opening

12/11/2023 3:25 PM - Modified 4 months ago
G20 authorities begin strategic dialogues about international challenges in Brasil. Photo: Audiovisual/G20 Brasil
G20 authorities begin strategic dialogues about international challenges in Brasil. Photo: Audiovisual/G20 Brasil

With authorities of the world's biggest economies gathered at the Itamaraty Palace in Brasilia, the work of G20 Brasil began on Monday (11). The first meeting of the Sherpa Track will take place over two days of discussions with representatives of the Group's member countries, as well as countries and institutions invited by the Brazilian presidency to deal with the crucial points that shape the summit's agenda.

Mauricio Lyrio, the Brazilian sherpa, welcomed the delegations and emphasized the priorities of the Brazilian presidency: the combat against hunger, poverty and inequality, sustainable development and the reform of global governance.

The opening ceremony also featured introductory speeches from the sherpas of the other countries in the current troika. Amitabh Kant, from India, and Zane Udien Dangor, from South Africa, highlighted the importance of the debates that are beginning and the G20's potential have to influence global decisions on pressing themes, such as climate change and the combat against inequities and inequalities.

The troika system consists of a trio made up of the last G20 president (India), the current president (Brasil) and the next host country (South Africa). The three countries, belonging to the Global South and members of the BRICS, represent and reinforce the priorities line-up of this year's G20 discussions.

Photo: Audiovisual/G20 Brasil
Photo: Audiovisual/G20 Brasil

Contribution from invited countries and institutions

Besides the fixed members of the G20, this week's meetings will be attended by the countries invited by the Brazilian presidency: Angola, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Spain, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal and Singapore. Other countries should be invited to participate in the Leaders' Summit and in specific instances of the group where they can make a particular contribution.

In addition, the Brazilian presidency invited the following international organizations: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), World Bank (WB), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Andean Development Corporation (CAF), International Monetary Fund (IMF), New Development Bank (NDB), Organization of the United Nations (UN), Organization of the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), Organization of the United Nations for Food and Agriculture (FAO), International Labour Organization (ILO), World Health Organization (WHO) and World Trade Organization (WTO).

Welcome to Brasil

Upon landing on Brazilian soil, the delegations were received in a welcoming atmosphere, immersed in a G20-themed environment at the international airports of Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Digital panels were installed with greetings to visitors, demonstrating Brasil’s cultural diversity, the relevance of the G20 and the country's commitment to hosting international events of global magnitude.

The G20 meetings continue throughout the week in Brasilia. On Wednesday (13), the two tracks that guide the work of the G20, Sherpa and Finance, will meet, in an unseen way, at the start of the work. On this day, President Lula is expected to be present. On the 14th and 15th, occur the meeting of the Finance Track.

Welcome billboards for the G20 international delegations were installed at Brasilia International Airport. Photo: Audiovisual/G20 Brasil
Welcome billboards for the G20 international delegations were installed at Brasilia International Airport. Photo: Audiovisual/G20 Brasil

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