Reform of global governance and international crises are on the agenda of the first G20 foreign affairs ministers' meeting in Brasil

Foreign affairs ministers from the world's main economies are meeting in Rio de Janeiro on February 21 and 22. In a context of global crises and tensions, the meeting seeks to address urgent issues, from conflicts in the Middle East to the need for reforms in global governance institutions, such as the UN, WTO, and multilateral banks.

02/16/2024 10:40 AM - Modified 5 months ago
Photo Credit: Ricardo Stuckert/PR

Rio de Janeiro will host one of the most important meetings in global diplomacy, with the participation of the world's largest economies' foreign affairs ministers for the G20's first ministerial meeting in 2024, presided over by Brasil. The meeting, scheduled for the afternoon of February 21 and the morning of February 22 at Marina da Glória, takes place during a period of great geopolitical instability, with crises erupting in various parts of the world.

Among the most pressing issues to be discussed are the situation in the Middle East and the Russian offensive in Ukraine, which continue to generate global concern over the humanitarian crisis and the geopolitical and economic consequences of the conflicts. The likely presence of representatives from countries such as the United States, China and Russia underlines the importance of the event on the international stage.

On an official visit to Egypt on Thursday, President Lula made a joint statement with Egyptian President Abdul Fatah Khalil El-Sisi. As well as calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the Brazilian president stressed the importance of increasing Africa's participation in international concertation, Lula said that "the UN is not strong enough to prevent wars" and that the G20 can help improve global governance by proposing reforms to the institutions.

"At the G20, we can count on Egypt's support to make the Brazilian presidency a success, especially in the two initiatives that we are going to launch, the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty and the Global Mobilization against Climate Change," said the Brazilian president.

Priority and urgent agendas

While Brasil seeks to increase the influence of Global South countries in the G20, there is a challenge in coordinating efforts to achieve more effective and inclusive global governance. The Brazilian government's agenda for the temporary presidency of the group highlights three priority axes: combating inequalities, hunger, and poverty; sustainable development and energy transition; and reforming global governance institutions.

The ministerial meeting of foreign affairs ministers in Rio de Janeiro will serve as a forum for debating strategies and concrete actions in relation to these issues. One of the key aspects of the discussions will be the need to reform the institutions of global governance, including the UN, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund. Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has been an advocate of this reform, especially in relation to the UN Security Council, which he argues is insufficient to deal with current conflicts.

In addition to political and diplomatic discussions, Brasil has taken on a key role on the international stage by leading the combined task force combating pirate activity in the Red Sea. This involvement highlights the country's commitment to promoting maritime security and stability in the region.

A week after the foreign affairs ministers' meeting in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo will host the meeting of the finance ministers and central bank presidents from the G20 on February 28 and 29, as part of the Finance Track. The meeting will be preceded by a meeting of deputy ministers and vice-presidents of central banks.

Journalists can register to cover the G20 events on the G20 website in the registration area.

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