Innovative solutions ensure G20 digital security

Cutting-edge technologies were applied to the tools required for global discussions during the G20 with a focus on security and efficiency. Accessibility features are also among the priorities in this field, with the Brazilian presidency promoting the values of inclusion and diversity as hallmarks

12/01/2023 3:00 AM - Modified 8 months ago
Key solutions include a state-of-the-art accreditation system, the institutional portal that will be the hub for information about the G20 and the provision of e-mail services | Photo: Disclosure

Brasil is prepared to host and support G20 actions by providing cutting-edge information technology infrastructure as well as dependable and efficient connectivity in all locations where activities and meetings of member country representatives will take place.

Under the responsibility of the Federal Data Processing Service (SERPRO), a leading company in the Information Technology (IT) market for the public sector, the G20's technological infrastructure prioritizes cyber security and the provision of advanced solutions and specialized support, ensuring that the digital systems that will support the activities operate with maximum efficiency and security.

The use of technology security measures during the G20, under the Brazilian presidency, is in line with international standards of good practice, reinforcing the commitment of the participating nations to global digital security.

Key solutions include a state-of-the-art accreditation system, the institutional portal that will be the hub for information about the G20 and the provision of e-mail services. The accreditation system, developed using low-code technology, is designed to register more than 25,000 people.

Accessible and inclusive technological solutions, which consider aspects of usability and accessibility for different profiles, are also incorporated into the tools used during the G20. The digital accreditation module, for example, has advanced accessibility features, which were designed and incorporated into the solution throughout the development cycle - reflecting the values of inclusion and respect for diversity that the event represents.

In addition to the focus on technological efficiency, SERPRO's CEO, Alexandre Amorim, points out that this is an opportunity for the country to leave a legacy in terms of knowledge, reinforcing its position as a leader in digital transformation. "The experience and solutions developed during the G20 presidency will certainly catalyze significant advances on the national scene, promoting innovation and continuous improvements in our processes," he says.