G20 Social connected: engagement groups are on the networks

Publicizing information, updating users on agendas, explaining the history of the group and the G20 itself... Aware of their network presence, six groups already have a web address and four already have profiles on social networks

02/12/2024 9:00 AM - Modified 7 months ago

The internet is already part of people's lives, in a context where the "real world" and the "virtual world" are increasingly interconnected. The way we relate and inform ourselves is directly influenced by online. This is a fact that the G20 Social engagement groups are not ignoring. Of the thirteen groups, six already have their own websites up and running, both as information channels and as a tool for facilitating dialog with civil society not only in Brasil, but around the world. It is a way of giving transparency to agendas and debates, as well as giving visibility to agendas on the www (world wide web).

On the websites, you can find, for example, information about the engagement groups, the priorities during the Brazilian presidency, a history of the G20, a calendar of events, a compilation of news and contact information. In addition to the websites, four groups also maintain social networks (Instagram and Twitter).

"The website and social networks function as a showcase, highlighting the importance and impact of the work carried out by these institutions. The social networks are an open channel for debate between the community of auditors of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and society in general. This is an interaction that strengthens our dialog," said Bruno Dantas, Minister of the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), who is coordinating SAI20 (Engagement Group of Supreme Audit Institutions) this year.

Alessandra Nilo, sherpa of the C20 (Engagement Group that brings together civil society actors and institutions) during the Brazilian presidency, also highlighted the importance of being on the networks. "Through the website, we invite organizations from every country in the world, not just those restricted to the group that makes up the G20, but all civil society organizations around the world are invited to participate and engage in our actions," she said.

Check out the online addresses of the groups:

B20 (Business)

Site: b20brasil.org

Instagram: @B20Brazil


Twitter: @B20

C20 (Civil Society)

Site: c20brasil.org

Instagram: @C20.Brasil

Twitter: @C20Brasil

SAI20 (Supreme Audit Institutions)

Site: sai20.org

Instagram: @SAI20org

Twitter: @SAI20org

T20 (Think Tanks)


Instagram: @T20org

Twitter: @T20org

U20 (Cities)

Site: urban20.org

W20 (Women)

Site: w20brazil.com

Why not also take the opportunity to follow the official G20 Brasil networks? You can find the G20 on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Koo, Flickr and YouTube, and follow the G20 on a daily basis, from the screen of your cell phone or computer.

G20 Social

The G20 Social is an initiative of the Brazilian presidency of the forum, with the aim of increasing the participation of civil society actors in activities and decision-making processes. The initiative will guarantee a space for the different voices, struggles and demands of the populations and non-governmental actors of the countries that make up the world's largest economies. In addition to the engagement groups mentioned above, which already have their websites up and running, the G20 Social also includes the Y20 (youth); L20 (labor); S20 (sciences); Startup20 (startups); P20 (parliaments); and the newest J20 (supreme courts) and O20 (oceans) groups.