G20 in comics: "Pedro at the G20" debates development and the environment

The comic explores young Pedro's concerns about the future. Produced by Gabriel Portela, a student in the Rio de Janeiro municipal school system, the comic is part of the productions of the magazine Nicarágua em Ação (Nicaragua in Action), linked to Andar, a partner news agency of G20 Brasil.

05/05/2024 7:00 AM - Modified 20 days ago

In April, we said goodbye to one of Brasil's greatest writers and cartoonists: Ziraldo Alves Pinto. Celebrated for his irreverent “Menino Maluquinho”, the artist accumulated several other outstanding works throughout his career. One of which was the comic strip “Turma do Pererê”, the first color work of its kind in Brasil, launched in 1960.

But what is the link between Ziraldo, one of the "greatest exponents of culture, journalism, children's literature and the country's imagination" in the words of President Lula, Turma do Pererê and the G20?

It's that 64 years after its historic publication, winning the hearts of many Brazilians who had the doors of colorful comics opened to their creations, the G20 has become the topic of a comic book.  From the mind and hands of young comic artist Gabriel Portela, a student at the Gymnasio Educacional Olímpico (GEO) Nicaragua, came the story "Pedro at the G20: development vs. environmental problems".

The comic deals with the concern of a young student from Rio's municipal school system, Pedro, to alert world leaders that economic discussions need to take environmental aspects into account. In the political adventure, Pedro wins an intervention at the G20 Summit of Heads of State and Government, which takes place in his city, Rio de Janeiro.

Gabriel has been making comics since he was a child and is thinking of pursuing a career as a comic artist or in graffiti, as he told the magazine in the interview. "I feel very happy, because it's something I love to do. Being for Nicaragua in Action magazine makes me even happier. And I'm very proud to be part of the team," said Gabriel Portela.

Expanding knowledge

The publication is part of the Nicaragua in Action electronic magazine, a project developed by teachers Renata Ribeiro and Talita Goulart at GEO Nicaragua, in the Realengo neighborhood. The magazine arose from the desire to give visibility to the projects developed by the Gymnasium, with the aim of providing readers with an exchange of information and knowledge in various areas, reflecting the originality of what is developed at the school.

Andar (Agência de Notícias dos Alunos da Rede) is a project of the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Department of Education, which has a partnership with the G20 Brasil Communications Coordination to encourage young reporters to produce content about the forum of the world's largest economies.

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