Finance is also social: Finance Track and Social G20 meet in São Paulo

In alignment with the Brazilian presidency's intention to value civil society in the G20, the Ministry of Finance is promoting an unprecedented meeting between the Finance Track and the G20 Social on February 8, São Paulo. The Ministry was invited to be a permanent member of the Technical Working Group that coordinates social participation in the G20. The meeting will take place in person but will be transmitted live via YouTube.

02/04/2024 9:00 AM - Modified 6 months ago

International taxation and hunger? Financial inclusion and sustainability? Unlikely subjects to imagine intersecting, but this meeting has a date and place: February 8, in São Paulo.

The Ministry of Finance, responsible for the G20 Finance Track, will promote an event in line with the intentions of the Brazilian G20 presidency: to make it a forum closer to civil society, working with the Social G20, an initiative that brings together different Engagement Groups representing non-governmental organizations (NGOs), popular movements, trade unions, and other social representations.

The event "G20 Brasil: priorities and challenges" will bring together, in an unprecedented way, the Finance Track, representatives of civil society and the engagement groups of the Social G20 - there are 13 groups working on various social themes. The debate will be transmitted through the Ministry of Finance's YouTube channel.

The event in São Paulo will occur in two shifts, morning and afternoon, divided into three moments, the last of which will be a plenary session. The tables will be made up of, respectively, Cynthia Azevedo (Central Bank), Flávio Luís Pazeto (General Coordinator of the G20), Felipe Antunes (Ministry of Finance), Gustavo Westmann (General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic), Jéser Abílio (Ministry of Finance), Laís Souza (Ministry of Finance), Lucas Tasqueto (Ministry of Finance) and Tatiana Berringer (Ministry of Finance).

"The idea is to bring State officials who are leading the negotiations so that civil society can listen to them and understand the Brazilian presidency's priorities. However, civil society, as well as listening to it, can also present demands. We believe that building social participation can be a great legacy of the Brazilian presidency at the G20," indicated Tatiana.

Finance and Society

During the Brazilian presidency of the G20, the Ministry of Finance was invited to be a permanent member of the Technical Working Group that coordinates social participation in the G20, with Tatiana Berringer especially assigned to this interlocution.

"The idea is to bring State officials who are leading the negotiations so that civil society can listen to them and understand the Brazilian presidency's priorities. However, civil society, as well as listening to it, can also present demands. We believe that building social participation can be a great legacy of the Brazilian presidency at the G20," indicated Tatiana.

For Gustavo Westmann, who is also a member of the Technical Working Group, this initiative broadens the basis for participation in the G20. "The event should provide greater transparency, legitimacy, and representativeness to the G20's decision-making processes, seeking to offer spaces for different demands and recommendations to be presented. It is hoped that the interactions between social and government actors will enable new topics of interest to be identified and progress to be made in discussions on the agendas," said the international adviser of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic.

This event, at the very beginning of the G20's work, is an effort to align proposals and debates that will mature until November, when Brasil ends its mandate and the groups make their final deliveries with a view to the closing summits in Rio de Janeiro. The Social Summit is scheduled for November 15-17 and the G20 Leaders' Summit will follow on November 18 and 19 in Rio de Janeiro.