Oceans 20 (O20)

Debuting under the Brazilian presidency of the G20, Oceans 20 comes as a natural offshoot of the efforts led by the previous cycles, spearheaded by Indonesia and India. Its inauguration in Brazil plays a historic role in recognizing the ocean on global agendas and engaging civil society.

About the O20

Debuting under the Brazilian presidency of the G20, Oceans 20 had its embryo in the last two G20 cycles, under the presidencies of Indonesia and India, and will play an important role in giving civil society a voice on the issue (considering non-governmental organizations, private initiative, indigenous peoples, traditional communities and scientists). 

The group strengthens and consolidates the presence of the ocean in the G20, by integrating the countries that preceded and will succeed Brazil in its presidency, and the working groups of the Sherpas and Finance Tracks. 

The creation of Oceans 20 by the Brazilian presidency of the G20 is a historic milestone in recognizing the central role of the ocean in the global climate, energy and environment agendas and that, despite being a global and interconnected ocean, it is plural in its characteristics. 

The ocean agenda is one of the four pillars of the Climate and Environmental Sustainability working group, coordinated by the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment, and permeates other working groups, given the cross-cutting nature of the topic.

Oceans 20 is coordinated by the UNESCO Chair for Ocean Sustainability at the University of São Paulo, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum, the  UN Global Compact - Brazil Network and Ocean Stewardship Coalition –, the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund and the National Institute for Ocean Research (INPO).
