Labour (L20)

The L20 represents workers' interests at G20 level. It brings together trade union representatives from G20 countries and International Trade Union Federations, and is coordinated by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC-CSC) of the OECD.

About the L20

Since the beginning of the financial crisis in 2008, the L20 has intervened in the G20 intergovernmental processes to ensure an inclusive and constructive dialogue on "Jobs and Growth", as one of the official consultation groups, alongside the business group (Business 20), civil society (Civil 20) and youth (Youth 20). 

The L20 conveys key messages from the international trade union movement at the consultations of the Employment Working Group, at the meetings of the Sherpas, the ministers of labor and finance, and at the G20 summits. The L20 members formulate their key messages through an extensive consultation process and confirm their political objectives during the L20 Summit, on the occasion of each G20 presidency. 

The L20's priorities during Brasil's G20 presidency are as follows:

Put the just transition at the center of the agenda with a sense of emergency;
Reverse the trend of income inequality by eliminating anti-union practices and actively supporting collective bargaining and wage increases;
Implementing the Decent Work Agenda;
Highlighting the role of public services in realizing human rights, achieving macroeconomic and social objectives and reducing inequalities;
Promote the reform of the global financial architecture to rectify injustices between rich and poor and between developed and developing countries;
Moving towards universal social protection through active political and financial support for the UN Global Employment and Social Protection Accelerator for Just Transitions and the creation of a Global Fund for Social Protection or similar solidarity financing mechanisms.


The Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT) Brasil has represented Brazilian trade union organizations in the framework of the L20 since its creation, getting involved in the processes of developing the trade union priorities of the engagement group, raising trade union priorities with the Brazilian government and actively participating in the different meetings and summits of the L20.

See also
