Teresina - PI

Basic information

  • Population: 866.300 of people
  • GDP per capita: R$ 24.858,31
  • Human Development Index (IDHM): 0,751
  • Source: IBGE

Teresina is a Brazilian municipality and the capital of the state of Piauí, located in the northeast region of the country. Whoever is born in Piauí is a Piauiense. Anyone born in Teresina is a Teresinense. The city is an economic benchmark in Piauí and has deep historical roots. Founded in 1852, it is the only capital city in the Northeast not located on the coast. Known as the Green City, it gets its nickname from the abundance of trees and green areas that adorn its streets, squares and avenues. This capital was conceived as a planned city, something innovative for the time of its creation.

The city stands out in the commercial and service sectors, playing a vital role in the history and development of the Brazilian Northeast, and will host G20 meetings in Brazil in 2024.

The Mestre João Isidoro França Sesquicentennial Bridge was designed for the celebrations of Teresina's 150th anniversary. Over the Poti River, the bridge facilitates movement between the central and eastern regions of the city. (Photo: Mauricio Pokemon/MTur)


The capital of Piauí has its roots intertwined with the history of Brazil. It was born as a point of convergence between the banks of the Poti and Parnaíba rivers, and this strategic location led to its development as an essential urban center for the state.

The city plays a very important economic role in the regional context. As a commercial and services hub, Teresina leads the development of Piauí, boosting sectors such as agriculture, commerce and services and standing out as a strategic point in the integration of the Brazilian Northeast.

Teresina is a cultural melting pot where northeastern traditions blend with the rich local heritage. Festivals celebrate music, dance and regional cuisine, while Piauiense handicrafts, permeated by indigenous influences, enrich the city's cultural scene.

Teresina's development is visible in its modern architecture and constantly evolving infrastructure. Residential neighborhoods, urban parks and busy avenues coexist harmoniously. The Encontro dos Rios Environmental Park, where the Poti and Parnaíba rivers meet, is a remarkable tourist spot that attracts visitors in search of authentic experiences.

The indigenous presence is an essential part of Teresina's identity. The influence is present in local culture, especially in gastronomy, with dishes that use typical ingredients from indigenous cuisine.

History, economy, cultural diversity and indigenous influence converge, and the city continues to play a vital role as a catalyst for progress and guardian of the traditions that make it unique.

Main tourist attractions:

• Encontro dos Rios Environmental Park

• Potycabana Park

• Museum of Piauí - Odilon Nunes House

• Zoobotanical Park

• Mirante da Ponte Estaiada - Ponte Estaiada viewpoint

• Praça da Bandeira - Flag Square

• Karnak Palace

• Igreja de São Benedito - Church of St. Benedict

• Theatro 4 de Setembro



For those interested in history, culture and tourism, a visit to the Piauí Museum is essential. The museum houses a rich and diverse collection that tells the story of the region, from the indigenous peoples to the more contemporary moments of the city and state. It's a unique opportunity to dive into the past and gain a better understanding of Piauí's rich history and culture.

After visiting the museum, take the opportunity to go on a historical tour and explore the main historical buildings, such as the churches and the Karnak Palace. [...] A stop at Praça Pedro II offers a rest and the opportunity to shop at the Handicraft Center. To cool off from Teresina's characteristic heat, be sure to try a cold cajuína.


Discovering and enjoying Teresina's cuisine is a unique experience. In Teresina, visitors have at their disposal a wide variety of restaurants that reflect the rich gastronomic diversity and celebrate the traditional dishes of the region. Among the most popular delicacies are panelada, cabeça de porco, tacacá, cuxá and pamonha, guaranteeing an explosion of flavors that appeals to all tastes.


A visit to the Teresina Ceramic Pole offers a chance to immerse yourself in Teresina's rich artisan tradition. Each piece is a unique expression, made using a variety of techniques and styles that reflect the diversity and creativity of the artisan community. In addition to contemplation, visitors have the opportunity to take a piece of this cultural heritage with them by purchasing the works available on site.


The Teresina Botanical Garden stands out as an oasis of serenity amidst the bustle of the city. With extensive green areas, winding trails and enchanting gardens, the place invites visitors to immerse themselves in the calm of nature. In addition, the diversity of plant and animal species provides an enriching experience of connecting with the local fauna and flora.


Teresina is a gastronomic paradise that celebrates a rich and diverse cuisine, ranging from typical regional dishes to international delights.

In the bars and restaurants scattered around the city, visitors have the chance to explore a variety of flavors while enjoying moments of relaxation, with live music and performances by local and renowned artists from the national scene. From forró to rock, Teresina's nightlife offers entertainment options for all tastes and styles.


Senador Petrônio Portella Airport is about ten minutes from the central region of the capital of Piauí. It is a strategic link for the regional economy, facilitating connections and cargo transportation, boosting sectors such as tourism and commerce and strengthening the state's integration into the national and international scene.


City Hall of Teresina

Government of the State of Piauí

G20 events in Teresina

Click here to see the full calendar
