Historic cooperation between Brasil and the U.S. on climate change announced at the G20

July 26, 2024
At an important moment for the global climate agenda, the two countries signed a strategic partnership during the G20 Finance Track ministerial meeting in Rio de Janeiro.
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In light of the G20, COP Troika strives to increase funding towards tackling the climate crisis

July 25, 2024
Representatives from the United Arab Emirates, Azerbaijan, and Brasil met in Rio to discuss urgent climate action. In line with Brasil's priorities at the G20, the COP Troika advocates the combined use of public and private resources to boost funding and tackle environmental disasters.
More infoaboutIn light of the G20, COP Troika strives to increase funding towards tackling the climate crisis

G20 debates public policies to combat hunger with a focus on female empowerment

July 25, 2024
A meeting held in parallel to the G20 Ministerial Meeting gathered female experts and leaders to debate the importance of public policies focused on vulnerable women. Brasil’s First Lady Janja da Silva emphasized the need for programs such as Bolsa Família and School Meals. Gender caregiving initiatives, such as communal kitchens in the peripheries and biogas production from biodigesters, will be presented at the G20.
More infoaboutG20 debates public policies to combat hunger with a focus on female empowerment


Fighting inequality at the heart of the international agenda: President Lula calls on the world to take part in the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty

July 24, 2024
More infoaboutFighting inequality at the heart of the international agenda: President Lula calls on the world to take part in the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty

UN: Global food insecurity hits alarming levels; urgent funding needed

July 24, 2024
More infoaboutUN: Global food insecurity hits alarming levels; urgent funding needed

Severe food insecurity drops by 85% in Brazil in 2023, says UN report on Global Food Insecurity (SOFI2024)

July 24, 2024
More infoaboutSevere food insecurity drops by 85% in Brazil in 2023, says UN report on Global Food Insecurity (SOFI2024)

In a historical declaration, G20 ministers commit to reducing inequalities

July 23, 2024
More infoaboutIn a historical declaration, G20 ministers commit to reducing inequalities

“Workers are a fundamental pillar of society,” says Brasil’s Minister of Labor and Employment

July 23, 2024
More infoabout“Workers are a fundamental pillar of society,” says Brasil’s Minister of Labor and Employment

G20 Finance Track aims to reach a consensus on documents concerning taxation, the global economy, and geopolitics

July 23, 2024
More infoaboutG20 Finance Track aims to reach a consensus on documents concerning taxation, the global economy, and geopolitics